親近森林 發現心靈

2006 0531

    An Environmentally Friendly Trip in The Forest

Monday, August 19, 2002                                   

    This morning, a trip team composed of 12 members made their way to Big Snow Mountain Forest Recreational Park to be on holiday.  Bruce and I were also on the team, of which Deng Kai-yuh, one of our colleagues, was the leader and tour guide as well.  He is not only a math teacher in our school but also has a wide range of knowledge on nature in general and on birds in particular.  The four cars ran smoothly on the freeway in fine weather.  Less than two hours later, we began to rise higher and higher on the serpentine mountainous road.  The great nature seemed to read our minds so it greeted us with green ranges of mountains coupled with azure-blue skies and white clouds coming in different shapes.

    After the mid-day time, we reached the entrance of Forest Division 201 where we cooked noodles for lunch in the open air.  The Italian pressure cooker did facilitate the light meal and in no time we all could enjoy the simple and easy meal under the pine trees.  High-mountain songbirds also greeted us with resonant singing and peeping that reverberated through the valleys and peaks.  We began to hunt for the birds with binoculars instead of rifles.  Indeed, it was so relaxing and recreational to be submerged in the deep forest with more than 2,000 meters in altitude.  Before the early evening we arrived at the destination—Unn Ma Mountain Retreat, where we would stay two nights.  Standing outside, we were surrounded by high-mountain forests consisting mainly of pine, cedar and cypress trees.  I was always confused by the more detailed or specific recognition of their names.  Who cared?  What mattered was that we loved nature, especially when standing in the deep forests to keep the busy and sometimes boring daily life at bay temporarily. 

At night after the dinner at the restaurant, we drove on the curved and dark road to “Tian-Pond” in the hope of bright and twinkling stars in sight, but in vain.  It was a cloudy night and there was nothing to be seen except for the darkness here and there but we still could hear some crickets or insects chirping.  After returning to the wooden hostel, we got together in the parlor to make tea, sing and chat to our heart’s content until midnight.

Tuesday, August 20, 2002                                               The second day for us to have fun in the forest recreational park. 

Early in the morning we rose in order to hunt for early birds on the twigs.  We drove back to the parking lot near the tollbooth of the park.  All the members set off on the pebble-paved trail to watch birds with binoculars.  Due to the senility of my eyesight, I found it uncomfortable to watch or hunt for the rapidly-jumping birds in the trees through binoculars.  Therefore, I became lukewarm about bird watching.  What’s more, Bruce didn’t feel well for he was likely to have a cold.  That was the very reason for me to stay in the parking lot to take care of him.  When the others were out of sight, it occurred to me that I could practice meditation in the peaceful natural field.  Hence I sat on the ground with my legs crossed to pay attention to my breath.  Suddenly, I saw three Taiwan monkeys jumping on the branches in front of me.  Still, I didn’t have the idea of watching them clearly with binoculars.  Maybe one can see the familiar creatures more clearly with mind than with binoculars.  Birds’ colors and shapes are pretty enough to draw the bird watchers’ attention and frankly speaking, these were natural resplendence and wonders.  But besides birds, green pine trees that stand firm to give off their natural vitality and attraction under the sunshine also make me peaceful and tranquil in mind or soul.  So, I watched them firmly with my eyes and what’s more, with my mind; therefore, I also felt satisfied in this aspect.                                                    
    Less than two hours later, they all came back and we set our steps on another small path where many awesome tall trees stood out against the blue skies.  We stopped to look upward and showed our respect for them.  On the leaf-covered path, the ancient trees, which survived the highly lucrative deforestation, shed their tears (dews) telling the sad stories that happened in the past decades.  But for the government-permitted deforestation on a large scale, much more big and tall cypress trees than we had seen should have grown in prosperity, welcoming us with their several-thousand-year-old bodies and newly-born leaves.  To forget the sad stories, I played the harmonica to please my fellow trippers.  Again, they showed their surprise at my lung capacity.  I did this on purpose to inhale more fresh air in the forest, but on the other hand, I was wondering if my playing could ruin the tranquility and sublimity of the deep forest, like some KTV players (not singers) who enjoyed themselves in a park, only to ruin the peacefulness and calmness there.                                           

Not everyone loves what you sing or play.                

    When my trip companions stopped to look for the birds in the trees, I kept on walking and playing my harmonicas even on the slope.  Soon we reached a wooden pavilion where some other hikers and visitors also took a rest in order to go farther.  Out of courage, I played three songs for them as well as for my group members.  They clapped hands after the performance and asked for more but I thought that enough was enough.  Maybe this is a good trial in playing the easy-to-carry harmonica to breathe in more fresh air that is surely beneficial to our health, I bet.

    At noon, we made it to “Tian Pond” and I put up the portable stove to cook the lunch.  Due to others’ help, the light meal was cooked well soon and we stood or sat to quench our thirst and hunger in the square.  Then we walked to the natural pond, only to find it polluted.  The water in it was muddy rather than clean and pure.  It was, to be frank, beyond our comprehension to see the water contaminated even at the altitude of more than 2,400 meters.  What’s the matter with the environment in Formosa?

    Tonight we didn’t have any plan to go out, so we all sat around the parlor to do some indoor activity, such as chatting, making tea and singing songs.  Mr. Luo and Mr. Jeng, two of our colleagues, played the guitar and sang songs to entertain us till midnight.

Wednesday, August 21, 2002

    The third and last day for us to be on vacation in the woods.

I, as a rule, woke up before daybreak but lay on the bed to appreciate the tranquility from the natural world and the inner peace from my deep mind as well.  Soon I saw through the window to find the first sunbeam shining on the tall trees, and then morning birds welcomed the coming of another new day with high-pitched songs and jumping dance.  How nice it was!  When other fellows walked out to be bathed in the fresh morning and watch birds, I, sad to say, lay on the bed to talk with the other roommate over some school issues, which did screw up the beautiful morning.  Therefore, I made up my mind to walk out in order

to change my bad moods.  Reaching the parking lot, I saw some of my

fellow trippers seraching for the birds with .  Actually, the parking lot was a good place for bird watching, where a lot of birds flew and jumped from twig to twig.  Sometimes some of them even jumped on the ground or grass for the visitors to watch easily.  Maybe they wanted to show off their beautiful feathers.  Who knew?

    At 10:30 AM, we took some pictures and then said goodbye to the wonderful mountain summer resort.  If possible, I vowed to return together with my wife and David.  It is really a nice place to forget worldly trouble and to refresh our mind and purify our soul in our bustling lives.  Besides, it is also a good place to go on a vacation with good friends and folks. 

    Before we drove downwards to Tung-shr Township, we also had our lunch in the forest.  Thanks to the pressure cooker, we had no problem preparing the light meal.  But I was wondering if some of us complained about the awful meals.  We, nature lovers, on the other hand, should put emphasis on the enjoyment of natural splendid spectacles with eyes and minds instead of the enjoyment of delicious food with mouths and stomachs in the depth of forests.  About 150 years ago, Wordsworth, an English romantic poet (appointed a poet laureate in 1843), who created lots of poems full of natural description, was also a nature lover.  In addition, he was in praise of those with plain living and high thinking.  On the basis of this, we conclude that worldly pleasure tells us not so much as spiritual gratification.  After all, a nature lover acquires a lot in the forest while a gourmet, in a fancy restaurant. Last but not least, I personally believed that everyone had an abundant harvest in mind, and we regarded the forest as worth paying a visit.  Furthermore, We especially thanked Mr. Deng for his well-prepared plan in advance to facilitate the instructive and environmentally-friendly trip, on which we all had a good time in the woods and returned home safe and sound.  To boot, he also acquainted us with more than 30 species of birds in the trees, such as vivid niltavas, Taiwan yuhinas, streere’s liocichlas, Taiwan laughing thrushes, Taiwan sibias, white wagtails and the like.

      親近森林   發現心靈

2002年8月 19日,星期一











2002年8 月21日,星期三




