
2006 0531

               A Call Of My Hometown

Saturday, October 5, 2002

    It was the D-Day for me to put my words into practice that I had promised three of my colleagues to make a tour of my poetic and idyllic hometown in the romantic season when picturesque scenes are far and wide.  In the mid-fall season, it was cool and pleasant when we set off our trip in the morning.  White clouds were silhouetted against the blue skies and mild sunshine seemed to escort us on the freeway, which sure enough contributed to catalyzing our high moods in the car.    
    Naturally, we had a happy chat until we reached the time-frozen township—Chishan, where the Victorian-style train station and old baroque stores drew us back to several decades ago.  In addition, the mud-brick-built archways along both sides of the street near the train station did catch Kitty’s eye so she, one of my and colleges, took some pictures as her unforgettable recollections.  Then we went to the popsicle shop in Chishan Sugar Company where we took a rest and enjoyed its famous ice cream and something.                     
    Thanks to its location in the midway to Liu-kuei and other famous scenic spots, tour buses and cars pull into the parking lot and visitors swarmed into the popsicle shop, affiliated to the state-run sugar company, to quench their thirst and took a rest in the park skirted by tall and big trees.  Before visiting Meinung Folk Village, a private-run visiting spot full of items, foods and handicrafts peculiar to Hakkas, I drove them to the foothills of Chiweishan(Chiwei hills).  To our great surprise and excitement, a wild Taiwan monkey sat by the road with a boy looking at it at a very short distance.  We got off the car to see it, but unexpectedly, we all were so stunned and excited to see more than fifty monkeys old, middle-aged, or young, jumping downward to the roadside on which, a middle-aged couple put enough bananas for them to eat to their heart’s content.  We four, surprisingly, dropped our jaws to look at the monkeys grabbing the food and eating it with rapid and funny action.  As a local, I had never seen them or heard about the group of monkeys.However, the local government put up a sign to dissuade the visitors from feeding them in order to keep their innate instinct in seeking food for surviving in the natural surroundings but they did not seem to go by it.  What’s more, to overfeed will result in the mass reproduction of the female mature monkeys, which may ruin the balance of the ecosystem.  I was doubtful about the latter saying, but the former seemed reasonable.  That was why I asked the female food provider about what the monkeys will do if she and her husband go on a holiday for a long time.  I got no response when she was going on throwing bananas to them.                 
    On the riverside were reed-like plants with white flowers in full bloom on their top, which looked like a layer of snowflakes covering on a waving green blanket.  It was, indeed, the good reason to tell my colleagues that during the season, my hometown was always poetic and picturesque.  As to many old memories called nostalgia, it belonged here to me who was sentimental enough to be summoned deep in my mind, day and night, even rain or shine.  My hometown is my dream with its permanent or lost things in it.  Suddenly, I found nothing was eternal and I was silly enough to seek my lost childhood in the old and ragged train station or the same riverbank, but in vain—all was gone with the wind in the wilderness.  Like in a dream, I am not the same child in the station to wait for the train or the one in the river to swim in.  So far, who can share the same homesickness with me?

    In the early evening, we had a big meal to enjoy in Kaohsiung in the 85-story skyscraper located on Sun-do Road.  The buffet supper could be available at the Jing-ding restaurant on the 39th floor, which commanded a pretty view of night landscapes of the seaport on one side and the streets on the other.  Golden and splendid sunbeams reflected in the waters to be against the shipments with different sizes and shapes.  Gradually, twilight merged into dark and we chattered over delicious foods in the nocturnal and romantic atmosphere.  The neon-lit streets and tall buildings made us high-spirited.  Wow! The beautiful nightscape was too good to be true.  I wanted to freeze the time forever….








