貢獻-回饋 天霸灣的清道夫們

李三富(1948∼) 文/ 黃世傑 圖


  八月天炎熱的天霸灣(Tampa Bay,Florida),趁著清晨的涼意,十多位台灣鄉親戴著帽子,披上交通安全警示衣,頂著太陽,留著汗,彎著腰,專注地把二邊久積的垃圾、紙張、飲料瓶撿來放入垃圾袋裡,過往的車輛都自然慢下來,對這些撿垃圾的人投已好奇、懷疑、微笑、感激的眼光。有些人甚至停下問是什麼事,來了這麼多東方人在撿垃圾。我們驕傲的告訴他們:〝我們是一群來自台灣,住在Tampa Bay的台美人自願做義工來清理街道,使這社區更美麗,清潔,盡一己微薄的力量,來回饋這個社會。〞他們都不約而同讚揚我們的義行,並向我們致以最大的謝意。
  其實這些是自1955年以來,每年四次,住在Tampa Bay的台美人的例行公事,美國各郡市由於財務關係,有些不是主要街道無法徹底維護,經常會堆積一些沒有公德心的市民所丟棄的垃圾,影響觀瞻、市容與衛生,都市當局鼓勵各方面能夠出來義務幫忙清理街道,都設有領養街道(Adopt a Road)的單位。
  天霸灣台灣同鄉會,大家討論決議,由前會長黃世傑醫師向此地郡市領養這1.5哩長的道路,從此這段有學校、公寓、住家、工廠、商店、醫院的Slight Avenue就像成了同鄉門前的街道,大家協力來維護這條街道的清潔。就像同鄉賴美玉女士所言:〝我們住在美國,喝美國的水,看美國的天空,踏在美國的土,走美國的路,我們應該回饋這個地方,做點奉獻,領養街道是件非常有意義的事。〞
  八年來,Tampa Bay台灣同鄉會再接再厲,未曾中斷這份有意義的工作,在在地得到此社區的認同,每年郡市為感謝所有參加的義工。包括個人、公司行號、公益團體、教會等,而舉辦感恩聚會,大家對我們這些穿著〝Taiwan〞名字T恤的台美人都投以特別注目的以眼光。正如主辦單位所說:〝此地沒有其他任何移民團體能夠像台美人一樣參加這個活動,出錢出力,實在是一個很好的表範,美國是個移民國家,希望有更多新移民來參加、認同這個社會共同努力奉獻。〞
  這些年來,Tampa Bay的台美人頂著這個回饋的信念,無聲無息地出錢出力,不曾中斷的坐著奉獻。樹立在Slight Avenue上,寫著〝Keep Hillsborough county Beautiful, Adopted by Taiwanese Association of Tampa Bay〞的牌子,隨著那清潔、整齊的街道,風雨無阻,終年驕傲地站立著,過路的行人看著那招牌,一定會衷心感謝這批台每人正為這個社區作出最有意義的貢獻。作為一個台美人,大家深以為傲,我們將持續這個義行,也將永續給下一代。

Living & Giving
Taiwanese Americans keep public streets clean and beautiful in Tampa Bay, Florida

On a hot August day in Tampa Bay, Florida, a group of Taiwanese Americans wearing safety jackets, with hats on their head, worked diligently under the hot sun cleaning up piles of waste paper, discarded plastic bottles and dirty garbage that had accumulated on both sides of the street for months. With curiosity, many drives in passing cars smiled at these strange garbage collectors. With appreciation some even stopped and asked, "What made you come here to clean up the streets?" These Taiwanese Americans proudly told them, "We are Taiwanese Americans form Tampa Bay, Florida. We have volunteered to clean up the trash and more beautiful. Our small effort to pay back to the community gives us good lives." Passerbys admired the effort and thanked the Taiwanese Americans for their work.
Since 1995, Taiwanese Americans in the Tampa Bay area have participated in street cleaning four times annually. It has become a routine activity that is scheduled every year.
Today, because of lack proper maintenance, and garbage is allowed to pile up. Not only is it an eyesore, it also is a threat to public health. Many municipal or county agencies have initiated citizen volunteer programs such as "Adopt a Road." Eight year ago, Taiwanese Association of Tampa Bay decided to join the "Adopt a Road" program. Former President Dr. shih-Jah Huang, prepared the application, submitted it to the local agency, and adopted Alight Avenue. The street is about one a half miles long and lined with schools, apartments, single-family housing, small factories, and stores.
From the day of adoption, members of the Association have worked together to keep Slight Avenue clean and beautiful.
As member Ms. Mei-Yu Lai clearly said, "Taiwanese Americans live in the United States, walk on American soil, drink clean water and breath fresh air under the cover of American sky. It is our duty to contribute to the community, and "Adopt a Road" is very meaningful work for us."
For eight years, members of Tampa Bay Taiwanese American Association have continued to keep Slight Avenue clean. Their efforts have gained public recognition from the local community. Every year the local city agency holds an appreciation party to recognize all the volunteers for their efforts and contributions. The Taiwanese Americans, who wear T-shirts marked with "Taiwan." Receive special attention.
As the organizing agency remarked, "No other immigrant group like Taiwanese Americans has done so much for the community. They are indeed good models for all citizens. American is a country of immigrants. We hope to have more new immigrant groups participating in this activity, being a part of the community and offering their contributions."
With their belief in paying back to the community, Taiwanese American in the Tampa Bay Area have continued for years to work hard for the street cleaning project. A sign that reads "Keep Hillsborough County Beautiful, Adopted by Taiwanese American Association of Tampa Bay" proudly stands beside the clean and beautiful Slight Avenue. Looking at the sign, passengers who pass by the street appreciate what Taiwanese Americans have done for the community. Taiwanese Americans in the Tampa Bay Area should feel very proud as they continue to work hard to keep " their" Slight Avenue clean and beautiful.


